Smart Bear Implementation Guide
0.3.2 - ci-build

Smart Bear Implementation Guide - Local Development build (v0.3.2). See the Directory of published versions

: MedicationStatementRecordsPsycho002 - TTL Representation

Raw ttl | Download

@prefix fhir: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix sct: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

# - resource -------------------------------------------------------------------

 a fhir:MedicationStatement;
  fhir:nodeRole fhir:treeRoot; [ fhir:value "MedicationStatementRecordsPsycho002"]; # 
  fhir:Resource.meta [
     fhir:Meta.profile [
       fhir:value "";
       fhir:index 0;
       fhir:link <>     ]
  ]; # 
  fhir:DomainResource.text [
     fhir:Narrative.status [ fhir:value "generated" ];
     fhir:Narrative.div "<div xmlns=\"\"><p><b>Generated Narrative: MedicationStatement</b><a name=\"MedicationStatementRecordsPsycho002\"> </a></p><div style=\"display: inline-block; background-color: #d9e0e7; padding: 6px; margin: 4px; border: 1px solid #8da1b4; border-radius: 5px; line-height: 60%\"><p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px\">Resource MedicationStatement &quot;MedicationStatementRecordsPsycho002&quot; </p><p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px\">Profile: <a href=\"StructureDefinition-MedicationStatementRecords.html\">Medication Statement Records</a></p></div><p><b>status</b>: active</p><p><b>medication</b>: <a name=\"Xanax002\"> </a></p><blockquote><p/><p><a name=\"Xanax002\"> </a></p><p><b>Psycoactive </b>: Psychoactive substance <span style=\"background: LightGoldenRodYellow; margin: 4px; border: 1px solid khaki\"> (<a href=\"\">SNOMED CT[Intl rel. null 0000]</a>#418149003)</span></p><p><b>code</b>: Xanax <span style=\"background: LightGoldenRodYellow; margin: 4px; border: 1px solid khaki\"> (<a href=\"\">WHO ATC</a>#N05BA12 &quot;alprazolam&quot;)</span></p><p><b>form</b>: Capsule <span style=\"background: LightGoldenRodYellow; margin: 4px; border: 1px solid khaki\"> (<a href=\"\">SNOMED CT</a>#385049006)</span></p></blockquote><p><b>subject</b>: <a href=\"Patient-Patient001.html\">Patient/Patient001</a> &quot; BIANCHI&quot;</p><p><b>effective</b>: 2016-01-01 --&gt; (ongoing)</p><h3>Dosages</h3><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td>-</td><td><b>Timing</b></td><td><b>Route</b></td></tr><tr><td>*</td><td>, at meals, before sleeping</td><td>per os <span style=\"background: LightGoldenRodYellow; margin: 4px; border: 1px solid khaki\"> (<a href=\"\">SNOMED CT</a>#26643006 &quot;Oral route&quot;)</span></td></tr></table><hr/><blockquote><p><b>Generated Narrative: Medication #Xanax002</b><a name=\"Xanax002\"> </a></p><p><b>Psycoactive </b>: Psychoactive substance <span style=\"background: LightGoldenRodYellow; margin: 4px; border: 1px solid khaki\"> (<a href=\"\">SNOMED CT[Intl rel. null 0000]</a>#418149003)</span></p><p><b>code</b>: Xanax <span style=\"background: LightGoldenRodYellow; margin: 4px; border: 1px solid khaki\"> (<a href=\"\">WHO ATC</a>#N05BA12 &quot;alprazolam&quot;)</span></p><p><b>form</b>: Capsule <span style=\"background: LightGoldenRodYellow; margin: 4px; border: 1px solid khaki\"> (<a href=\"\">SNOMED CT</a>#385049006)</span></p></blockquote></div>"
  ]; # 
  fhir:DomainResource.contained [
     a fhir:Medication;
     fhir:index 0; [ fhir:value "Xanax002" ];
     fhir:Resource.meta [
       fhir:Meta.profile [
         fhir:value "";
         fhir:index 0;
         fhir:link <>       ]     ];
     fhir:DomainResource.extension [
       fhir:index 0;
       fhir:Extension.url [ fhir:value "" ];
       fhir:Extension.valueCodeableConcept [
         fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
           fhir:index 0;
           a sct:418149003;
           fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
           fhir:Coding.version [ fhir:value "" ];
           fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "418149003" ];
           fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "Psychoactive substance" ]         ]       ]     ];
     fhir:Medication.code [
       fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
         fhir:index 0;
         fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
         fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "N05BA12" ];
         fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "alprazolam" ]       ];
       fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "Xanax" ]     ];
     fhir:Medication.form [
       fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
         fhir:index 0;
         a sct:385049006;
         fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
         fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "385049006" ];
         fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "Capsule" ]       ]     ]
  ]; # 
  fhir:MedicationStatement.status [ fhir:value "active"]; # 
  fhir:MedicationStatement.medicationReference [
     fhir:Reference.reference [ fhir:value "#Xanax002" ]
  ]; # 
  fhir:MedicationStatement.subject [
     fhir:Reference.reference [ fhir:value "Patient/Patient001" ]
  ]; # 
  fhir:MedicationStatement.effectivePeriod [
     fhir:Period.start [ fhir:value "2016-01-01"^^xsd:date ]
  ]; # 
  fhir:MedicationStatement.dosage [
     fhir:index 0;
     fhir:Dosage.timing [
       fhir:Timing.repeat [
         fhir:Timing.repeat.when [
           fhir:value "C";
           fhir:index 0         ], [
           fhir:value "HS";
           fhir:index 1         ]       ]     ];
     fhir:Dosage.route [
       fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
         fhir:index 0;
         a sct:26643006;
         fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
         fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "26643006" ];
         fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "Oral route" ]       ];
       fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "per os" ]     ]
  ]. # 

# - ontology header ------------------------------------------------------------

 a owl:Ontology;
  owl:imports fhir:fhir.ttl.